Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Playing Around

I imagine that we're not alone in this figuring-out-what-the-baby-wants game. I understand now why people lived in villages with large extended families. Parenting is not natural. It's learned, usually from your own parent (that is, if you think they did a good job with you). Responding to the shriek of an infant is instinct. But, the subtler aspects of caring for an infant can be perplexing. Even with all the books, this feels like we're re-inventing the wheel.

Alex mutters a lot. It's difficult for me to make sense of why or what it is he's blubbering about. Since yesterday marked 40 weeks gestation (full term), I consider Alex to be a newborn. I had no idea newborns talked so much-- or were awake for so much of the day yemmering on in their bizarre baby language. Sure, sometimes he's trying to tell me that his diaper is wet or that he is hungry despite having just been fed. But, sometimes, he's just playing around, I guess. Enjoying the sound of his own voice. Preventing me from getting a restful nap. Reminding the tribe that he exists and not to forget him when they move to another cave.

Puke update: We stopped adding formula to the breastmilk to see if he would hold it down better. Hard to say if that's what did the trick because we also just started Zantac. But, Alex pretty instantly ate a lot more per feed and seems generally less fussy. Given that the first two ingredients of the formula are cow's milk and corn syrup, this is not surprising. Keep adjusting until we solve the puzzle that is our son.

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