Monday, February 23, 2009

Twins, twins, and more twins

I have two friends who are also pregnant, both about three weeks ahead of me. Kelly, who never really planned on having children, and Bridget, who wants a big family and is jealous of my doubleness. 

Saturday night, my hubs Mike and I met up with Kelly and her hubs for dinner. They were still adjusting, they said. As Mike and I told the story of our ultrasound and talked about how having two was going to change our plans, it's doubtful that they had any notion whatsoever that they were also pregnant with twins. Yeah. Crazy. They had that same ultrasound experience today. What are the chances that two former college roommates who work together could double knock up their wives at the same time? I smell a screenplay.

Now we wait for Bridget, whose ultrasound is around the corner. By god, if she has twins, I'm calling Fox news.

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